Refer-a-Friend to PuterGeek.Com

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Want to refer-a-friend to my Newsletter?

Want to help PuterGeek.Com, myself, and some friends and/or family of yours?  Here's your chance!  Use the form below to tell friends and/or family about my website!

If you've made it to this page, chances are you've found PuterGeek.Com to be useful.  Like me, I'm sure you plan to tell people when you find a cool or useful web site, and like me... good intentions don't always become good results :-)

Well, here's an easy way to let people know about PuterGeek.Com!  By using the form below, my web-server will send an email to the person you list below.  They won't be signed up for anything, nor will their email address (or yours) be used for anything else...EVER!

How it works:

When you click on the submit button after filling out the form below, you will be taken to a "results" page.

At the same time, an email is sent to your friend telling them about PuterGeek.Com and invites them to take a look.  This email comes from you, and tells them that you used the form on this page to do so.

Then an email is sent to you confirming that the form worked, as well as showing you what was sent to your friend.

Finally, an email is sent to me giving me the following info:

This information is ONLY collected to protect you and I!  With this info I can show who used the form and who's name and email they gave.  This info will NEVER be sold, passed out, or used in any other way...EVER!  BTW, chances are this type of information is collected any time you use a form on any website, whether they tell you or not, so please don't get upset, this is a normal practice.

Why should I bother?

Let me be honest here.  I want more people to visit my web site!  If you've spent any time browsing around PuterGeek.Com, you have a pretty good idea about what kind of guy I am.  I believe "What goes around, comes around.".  This whole website is about helping people with their 'puters and I want to get the word out.

There are millions of websites on the internet and no one can visit them all!  So how do we decide where to go?  Search engines are one choice.  Links from another website is another.  But the best choice is to visit a website that a friend or family member recommends!

This is where you come in :-)  By helping me you're also telling friends and family about a cool website that can be of great help to them!

Here's the email:

Here's a sample of the email your friend will receive when you use the form...

To: Amy
Subject: Amy - This is a great Web Site!

I used a form at PuterGeek.Com
to send you this email. Don't worry, you're not on any list!

You have got to check out this website! Peter Crockett, the
webmaster of PuterGeek.Com
has a lot of FREE resources for computer users.

He offers FREE help by email too! Here are just some of the
cool stuff on his website...

Need a boot disk?

Want a step-by-step guide on something?

Want to chat with the PuterGeek?

Want to ask PuterGeek for some help?

Want a FREE web-based email account?

Check out his FREE Newsletter.

Check out his user-to-user message board.

Anyway, when you get a moment, take a look.


Remember, your friend will NOT be signed up for anything, nor will your email address or your friend's email address be used for anything else!  Please only use this form to recommend this website to people you know.  While I do want to get the word out....I hate SPAM, and sending this to strangers is SPAM!

The form:

All fields are required to send the form.
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Friend's Name:
Friend's Email:

Please click the "Tell a friend" button only once!

Thanks for taking the time to fill out the Refer-A-Friend form!  Please feel free to use it as often as you'd like :-)  Would you also like to refer-a-friend to my newsletter?

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Last Revised: 12/25/2000
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